It was eleven or twelve years ago that I grew sick and tired of shared hosting. I leaned to write in college literature but then went to work and never got a real chance to write. What this has to do with shared hosting is about the limitations on a mind that wants to push limits and the limits of shared hosting was like an anchor around my brain.

So, I took a deep breath and went to try VPS servers. Virtual Private Servers mean that you’re in for it if you screw up the server. If you’re lucky someone will help you fix the server or they will charge you a per hour rate that I only wish I could have gotten when I was in business. Hundreds of dollars per fifteen minutes. No thank you. I’ll just delete the server and begin again. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done this. But, each time I learned what not to do and eventually, I won. Eventually is an open time frame so let’s place a value on the time of around six years. Sounds like a lot but I didn’t lose every time. I won several and used several servers at once. Up to seven at one, dumb time. You know how that goes, it’s there so why not.

At this point putting up a Mastodon instance takes about twenty minutes and I have it done. That means that I also put up other instances just to see if I can do it. It keeps the mind sharp and makes a guy not too shy to ask for help or search for hours until I can pin it down on the internet. A for instance? Look up how to unzip and uploaded folder on a server. That’s where the rubber meets the runway like an F-35 coming home.

I am hoping that this website will find some interest or like minded people who also tear their guts out trying to make software work. It is the enjoyment of being totally frustrated and then finding the solution and seeing, voila, that made it happen. Very satisfying and without embarrassment or self-doubt about oneselves ability. Just a lot of patience and grit and some huge smiles!


I failed to mention here, the hosting service I use which is Webdock. I have used them for almost two years and the price they charge has allowed me leeway to try out all types of software. I recommend them and get nothing for this recommendation. I do this to help those who are not well versed in VPS and all it takes to run your own server. Their support is amiable and professional which brought me to this place of recommending them.

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