This has been a rocky road going from newly working with SFTP, to server set up for RW on /var/www/html to uploading using secure shell and figuring out the myriad of problems associated with it. Kind of like fishing for whales with a cane and twine with a hook on the end. You’re gonna have problems and I had my share.
I wanted to get this article written while my server has the new upload going to it for Grav. Have I figured it out? We’ll have to see. Is it worth it? Yeah, it really is considering knowledge gained. I mean, I wouldn’t have started this website if I were a graduate in IT. Instead I would be sweating over AI or some easy stuff like that. This is more difficult! (Yeah, sure it is.)
If all works I will spend a couple of days figuring out how to use Grav. and then link to it from here. I tend to over think at times and further confuse myself as to what to do. Seeing as I was always used to uploading a website to, “public_html,” this has been a totally different enterprise. The webroot for Ubuntu, and therefore Grav., is var/www/html. That means I had to figure out which folder it should go to out of probably twenty folders.
Finally, today, I went with pulling up var/www/html and dragging the Grav. folder to the server upload portion of the SFTP client and letting it upload by itself. That is the simplest way to go about this so I type this and wait. Patience is a necessity when dealing with code. It also helps if your server is dependable and then you know if something goes wrong it is totally on you, me.
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