I’ve spent the last two days in research. Why? In attempting to follow the simplest instructions I’ve ever seen to install a website I decided to attempt: Grav. Grav. is a CMS that installs quickly and easily, according to them. And, most likely it does just that, if you aren’t trying to learn SFTP at the same time. My trouble is that I last uploaded to cPanel on shared hosting and that was quite a while ago. I simply chose to upload into /public.html/ and it happened. Grav. says to upload to /var/www/html (webroot) and that is where it breaks down into permissions for users of that server. I have two users for my servers, usually, one for bin/bash and one for www/data. I use ssh-keys to do this.

The permissions thing led to error codes which scroll by so quickly that they’re darn near impossible to read but, man, are they abundant! Every other line is an error code so this is why I have not posted here for a couple of days and is the reason I call this website, “A Skosh Tech,” dot com.

I’m really good at buying domain names though, so I’ve got that going for me!

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