If you’ve pursued building websites at all then you know that some tutorials are as perfect as the author can make them and others kind of hedge around letting you know all that is involved in actually bringing a piece of software to fruition. You know, you do the work, look up what you don’t understand and, in good faith, make it happen . . . finally.

There are a couple of things that I didn’t and, therefore, would suppose that others didn’t realize. Things like a LAMP stack not having all the php niceties for a piece of software to be installed on that particular LAMP stack needs. Not all LAMP STACKS ARE ALIKE! So it goes for Grav. Now, Grav. is a really neat website once you get it up and running but hidden within all the docs are php niceties that Grav. needs and a regular person like me isn’t even aware of. I am not saying that this is something the good people at Grav. knew but hid. I am only saying that some software requires more knowledge than is readily indicated when you accept the challenge of going with a software like Grav.

Ah, never to be subdued I have switched hosts and installed a LAMP stack on a different server and will attempt the same thing with a new LAMP stack. In this case I also have an account on Hetzner. I rolled up the server just this morning and went to my email service and got email started for my Mastodon website and tomorrow will be another day. The Mastodon instance will open in a couple of days once I am certain I have email working properly. I usually do but, hey, it’s the internet.

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