. . . decided to begin developing websites. Now, recent to me may not be recent to you as I am seventy-six. This most likely says that if you are developing websites you’re infinitely ahead of where I will ever be. That is absolutely a great thing in my humble opinion, you see, computers were rare and P.C.s just a dream in the minds of a few people in the 1950s. You talk about progress!
Never one to be left behind, and hating to play an Olympic game of catch-up, I dug in with both hands and started learning servers and coding. This is only to say that if I can do it you can do it, should you carry around a propensity for doing it.
This, then, is why I am putting this website online. To speak of what I do but only as encouragement for those my age or decades younger that it CAN be done. It is both frustrating and more fun than a barrel of Jackals but eventually you persist, find help, and win. Nose to the grindstone is what it takes if you’re not particularly educated in code. Shall we begin?
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